Pet Massage Therapy

"For the Love of Your Pet"

The use of massage for health and wellness
dates back as far as recorded history.

"Your Pet Needs to be kneaded"

Why Animal Massage is important
for the happiness and well-being of your pet!

Massage is a gentle and non-invasive therapy
that can relieve pain and stress. It can also
help manage certain conditions such as arthritis,
and hip dysplasia, and can be beneficial when
used in conjunction with therapies such as
chemotherapy and orthopedic surgery.
Animals who have experienced abuse
may become more comfortable with touch
and can be more trusting.

Why Massage?

Resistance and/or lack of willingness
to move in a particular direction can be
signs that your animal companion has
muscular discomfort. Tight or painful
muscles can elicit unwanted behavioral
Massage techniques, properly applied,
can release muscle spasms and soreness.
and make significant changes in muscle stiffness.

Benefits of Massage:

Stimulates circulation
Healthier coat
Stimulates immune system
Relieves muscle stiffness
Reduces stress and anxiety
Improves human/pet bonding
Improves dispositions in scared/abused pets

$35 Massage Therapy session
5 sessions for $150